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Saturday, November 15, 2014
Thursday, November 6, 2014
I thought that the last time I mowed the yard, it would be the last......ha, ha......the rains came again and now the weeds are growing as if to mock me. So, in the next few days, after the ground has had a chance to dry enough, I'll need to mow. Sure am glad I have a riding lawnmower, since this yard is almost an acre in size. I can not see me pushing a mower over all that large area :(
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Fall Plants
You know the one's you want to plant by the time, the end of summer arrives. The advocate planting next year's garlic, during this time and really if you have a good area to put it, then you can enjoy fresh garlic every year to cook with. I even like to take a few leaves and put them on the grill when cooking outside. Helps to season the meat you have on the grill.
I've grown lettuce, radishes and some greens during the fall. The problem I had was making sure to buy enough seeds during the spring, to have to plant later. It's not a seasonal thing to have lettuce, radish and mustard green seeds in your local stores. So, you need to buy ahead for the fall planting. Reaping the rewards later is always a good thing.
I've grown lettuce, radishes and some greens during the fall. The problem I had was making sure to buy enough seeds during the spring, to have to plant later. It's not a seasonal thing to have lettuce, radish and mustard green seeds in your local stores. So, you need to buy ahead for the fall planting. Reaping the rewards later is always a good thing.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
One Last Mow
Last week we had to mow the lawn another time, because of the extra "rains" we have had recently. We had hoped that the time before would be the last, but the weeds seem to go for the nice drink they received when it rained. The sprung forth and it was time to mow again.......seems there were alot of leaves in the mowing as's that time of year when they start falling. Soon the trees will be bare once again for the winter.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Fiji Islands Real Estate
Beautiful Fiji Islands a paradise to behold. Finding the place to be, there in this paradise is an experience in itself. Whether your looking to visit on vacation, buy a home or rent, there's something for everyone. Finding a business to open here is a special thing, when you consider all the options available. Today's market is viable to expand with your needs as you grow inside these exotic places.
I noticed the online site, which gives a wide array of real estate to choose from. As I accessed the site there were price's well within most people's budgets. I know that you could enjoy that benefit, when making the choice to move to one of the islands in the local area. The vanuatu houses for sale give a unique flair with modern tastes for every culture. It would be easy to adapt to this exotic lifestyle, with all the beauty flowing around you. The customs of the people along with the weather is intoxicating. Just think of the wonderful times you'll have during the festivals held by the local people. It's a great place to visit, live, retire and own a business.
I have heard of people who retire to island homes, where life is so much more simple and easy. I wish I could find the stamina to take on such an undertaking. Should you need to look for real estate and want this type of flair, then access the website and look at the beauty of it's island properties.
I noticed the online site, which gives a wide array of real estate to choose from. As I accessed the site there were price's well within most people's budgets. I know that you could enjoy that benefit, when making the choice to move to one of the islands in the local area. The vanuatu houses for sale give a unique flair with modern tastes for every culture. It would be easy to adapt to this exotic lifestyle, with all the beauty flowing around you. The customs of the people along with the weather is intoxicating. Just think of the wonderful times you'll have during the festivals held by the local people. It's a great place to visit, live, retire and own a business.
I have heard of people who retire to island homes, where life is so much more simple and easy. I wish I could find the stamina to take on such an undertaking. Should you need to look for real estate and want this type of flair, then access the website and look at the beauty of it's island properties.
Fiji Islands
I borrowed this picture from the"> picture site. I can't imagine a more beautiful place to spend the rest of your retirement years, can't you?
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014
Storms Last Night
I wonder how much longer this tree will stand before it actually falls over in the ground? It's been around many years and weathered many storms.
We had high winds during the storms this morning and lost power for 2hrs. A few limbs were broken and we can count ourselves lucky this time. Thank God!
Monday, June 2, 2014
Summer is here and with it comes the bugs, bad weather and extreme heat & drought. I don't relish any of those subjects. Here is Texas we always get bad storms and very hot temps. This causes us to have disasters of all different types. High winds, hail, lightning and tornadoes. Just overwhelming to many, when their homes and businesses get torn up. We've had some storms lately, but none that really were bad enough to cause much damage. For this we are all thankful. As you can tell summer is just starting, so our fingers will stay crossed for a few months.
Hurricane season is also here and our coast is subject to many as well.
Hurricane season is also here and our coast is subject to many as well.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Flowers in Spring
Here are some of the flowers and shrubs around the front and side of my home. As I walked out the front door, this is what greets me. Mom, planted many of these iris's back a few years ago, now I get to enjoy them. I need to weed eat up around the house in the flower beds.
Him Mowing?
Mowing Time
Caught in the act of mowing. He thinks he can out do me.......ha, ha, I mowed all the other parts of the yard until it choked out on high clover.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
From Seeds
These plants are now planted in my back yard garden. I put a package of onion seeds in this pot and kept the soil moist, as the package directed. Within a few days small green sprouts were shooting up through the surface to greet the sun. They are very hardy, since it's been about 4 months coming of growth.
Onion Slips
The wisteria is blooming now and it's very pretty. Too bad it doesn't last very long and that the bush tends to send out runners, which try to take over the yard. I have cut this bush back and it still sends out runners. The one's I can't see are the most problem. They run under the ground to other areas of the yard and then emerge somewhere, that's totally a bad place.
Potato Plants
The potato plants are growing and soon, they will be blooming. Very soon after that they above ground plant will start to die back. It's around this time that we should dig up the potatoes that are growing under ground. For some reason the "red" potatoes did not fare well, but the "white" one's came up and thrived. It will be nice to have some home grown vegetables this year. What would be even better is if I could get the right date back on my camera, but every time I take the disk out to download the pictures, the date changes.
Tomato Blooms
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
In recent years the need for climate control in homes or businesses has become more advanced. I remember the old units on the wall, which would have to be replaced because of their inability to last any length of time. It wasn't easy to keep our home warm without high energy bills during the winter months. I noticed that this was the same with most homes in our area. Texas weather has such a diverse set of rules and you never know what type of weather the mornings will bring. One day it will be freezing and the next up in the 70's with bright sunshine.
Our weather can cause uncomfortable times to the elderly and babies. Also there are many who have health problems which heat and cold can affect. The certainly need the control necessary for their comfort during the extreme weather months.
Technology has updated the world with it's abilities in most fields that carry any form of electronics. Units for comfort control have been advanced to the phone apps from downloads. Programs can be loaded into the apps for your wifi connections. These programs are giving you the ability to use your voice from your smartphone and other resources. There is easy access from anywhere as long as you have the wifi programs' set up. I found the website to offer several options to choose when shopping for the perfect thermostat to have in your home or office. The convenience of shopping online eases the need to travel to the store, when shipping is available.
There is information about each unit, the quote of prices and you can locate local dealer's who supply the units for purchase. I call that a great convenience from the website that's giving the information. Being able to set up a 7 day program with the touch pad, gives you access to freedom while away from home. I think that technology has lifted some of the stress to our daily lives, don't you ? There are several home improvement stores who carry units for your comparison. You may need to purchase one that fits your budget needs, and there are plenty to view. Shop today and get the value you are searching for in home comfort control. You'll be glad you did, when you see your next energy bill.
Our weather can cause uncomfortable times to the elderly and babies. Also there are many who have health problems which heat and cold can affect. The certainly need the control necessary for their comfort during the extreme weather months.
Technology has updated the world with it's abilities in most fields that carry any form of electronics. Units for comfort control have been advanced to the phone apps from downloads. Programs can be loaded into the apps for your wifi connections. These programs are giving you the ability to use your voice from your smartphone and other resources. There is easy access from anywhere as long as you have the wifi programs' set up. I found the website to offer several options to choose when shopping for the perfect thermostat to have in your home or office. The convenience of shopping online eases the need to travel to the store, when shipping is available.
There is information about each unit, the quote of prices and you can locate local dealer's who supply the units for purchase. I call that a great convenience from the website that's giving the information. Being able to set up a 7 day program with the touch pad, gives you access to freedom while away from home. I think that technology has lifted some of the stress to our daily lives, don't you ? There are several home improvement stores who carry units for your comparison. You may need to purchase one that fits your budget needs, and there are plenty to view. Shop today and get the value you are searching for in home comfort control. You'll be glad you did, when you see your next energy bill.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Air Plane Up High
I kept trying to catch the roughness of the high winds, so here is another video of the trees bending. I also noticed an airplane up high, making ice crystals in it's path. I can't really see it in this video, but it was there.
High Winds
While sitting out in the yard swing, yesterday I was taking pictures of how high the wind was. If you notice how hard the trees are moving and bending. I'm sure you wouldn't have wanted to see my hair blowing.
Evidence of the latest freeze here in our local area. It took it's toll on the new growth, that has been popping out since the warm weather days.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Portable Shed
Here you see the one thing we all hate to dig out of our sheds, come spring. This means work and I'm sure at some time in your life you've been behind one of these. I have and it's a lot of work to mow a round or so and stop to empty the bag catcher.
You know the process, it's spring and time to get this thing out, service it and get it ready for the months ahead of mowing.
Friday, March 7, 2014
So, you think earthworms are outdoors creatures? Well, you can actually raise them indoors, and use their castings to improve your soil, indoors and out.
Make it large and manageable, space 8 to 12 inches deep. They feed on the top layers of the bedding. Bins can be plastic or wood.
Drill 8 to 12, ¼-inch-diameter holes in the bottom and sides for aeration and drainage. Drill more holes if using plastic or bedding stays wet. Place a tray under bin to collect “tea” that drips from bin. Tea makes good fertilizer for houseplants.
Options; shredded cardboard, newspaper, or coir (coconut husks); and peat moss. Mist bedding with water if it looks dry.
Cover bins to keep worms in dark. Keep temperatures between 40°F and 80°F for survival, place bins in cellar, warm garage.
Red wigglers thrive in temperatures between 55°F and 77°F (Worms from garden, night crawlers, prefer cooler and deeper soils.) Buy red wigglers through the mail or at a bait shop.
One pound of red wiggler worms (about 1,000 worms) can eat a 1/2 pound of scraps a day.
Feed worms vegetable scraps, fruit peels, coffee grounds, tea bags, crushed egg shells, and even leftover pasta. No spicy foods. Avoid meats, fish, fatty and oily foods, and bones. Lay a thin layer on top of bedding. Worms feed in the dark.
A small amount of potting soil or cornmeal help your worms digest their meal.
After 3 to 4 months your worms should have eaten the bedding and the scraps. Top layer of matter should be dark brown and the consistency of chunky sand. Harvest the castings. Push the castings to side, add more bedding and scraps. Worms will go to the new bedding and scraps. Dig out castings and add more bedding and scraps. Make sure to pick out stray wigglers and return
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Not Long Now
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Here you see new shoots putting out on my red rose bush in the front of my house.
This is the other red rose bush at the other side of my front porch.
This is the old elm tree in the front yard and as you can see it's putting out it blooms, which will turn into seeds that it will drop and cause many new seedlings to pop up in my yard. These are a problem, because I have to keep cutting them back when they get too big. The flower beds are full of them and it's a constant battle each year.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Still Here
Two days after it snowed, the cold temps kept the snow on the ground. As of yesterday the temps warmed a bit and melted some of the snow. Today, they predict that we will be in the 50's, and this will be welcomed.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Recently I posted this picture and several others of how the ice storm treated our trees. Well, as you can see the people next door and all up and down the street, made sure to get their down tree limbs out to the curb. Yesterday, the crews who remove the limbs that are on the curb removed them. Needless, to say, my limbs were not our there because a certain person has been too tired to do the job. Mine still lay in the yard after all this time and I'm not in the mood to hound him about it.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Hi Nita Watson,
Your content has been published on Associated Content from Yahoo!.
Planting by the Moon
Get It Ready
Most gardeners, know that the soil has a certain time to be worked. It takes getting the soil turned over and start on a fresh new planting season for the coming spring. When turning over your garden soil, you will want to use a good tiller. This will give the ground a good loosening and get other items worked into it. You will want to start feeding your garden early, so by the time you are ready to plant, the fertilizers won't be too strong and burn the tender plants. It's almost planting season, so if you haven't gotten your soil ready, now is the time to start.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Saturday, January 11, 2014
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